myself who am I into this world, what’s my purpose, where my life is heading,
and what direction to take to experience growth, both in my personal and
professional life, and earned respect.
I’m already in a state where “just
playing around” no longer applies. Not that I am rushing into anything in life, but I figured, I should be making decisions now with a head sight of the future
to make sense of my day to day life.
enough, we should never constantly bother ourselves with the grim idea of the
future or put too much pressure on what lies ahead, because it might hamper our
purpose of living at the moment, but the cardinal rule of life is, WE SHOULD SET GOALS. We should set priorities and work on it. This pattern will help us
guide how to make right decisions and how to put some limitations.
I also realized that I don’t need too many people in my life to be happy and
fulfilled, just a few one to enjoy precious moments. People who can truly
understand my personality, who can appreciate my strangeness. I also
acknowledged the importance of choosing who to be with. In as much as I wanted
to be nice to the people I first met, the stark differences on personal growth and
cultural orientation often come into the picture.
is tricky, it is not acquired overnight nor over a glass of beer. We learned it
by ourselves, through the lessons we learned in life, through reading good
books, through experiences we gone through and through the right people we
often go with.
level of personal growth and the wisdom we gained sometimes depend on who are
the people we welcomed into our circle. That’s why it is always an advantage if
we surround ourselves with the right people, it will develop our personal
learning and improve our wisdom. But if we welcomed wrong people in our circle
who talked nothing but shallowness and which KTV lounges they will hang next
weekend, it poses disaster. It would never really take us anywhere.
contrasting view point is evident when we're in the group and
engage on a conversation. I can easily tell if the person is a drifter, an
impolite bastard who cared nothing in the world but personal pleasure and those
who are sensible and with substance. Every minute is precious, having to spend
it in such a useless discussion with futile people is completely a waste of
So I am
making these notes to myself.
time I am in a group with people who have contrasting values, I’ll just hold my
tongue and keep my mouth shut. It’s totally absurd if I would step down to
their level of shallowness and thinking. They need more time to grow up
personally and emotionally. They need to refine their behavior and how to interact with people for the first time. Because most of the time, people tend to forget their limitations and boundaries.
always painful to watch myself being gorged up with shallowness. It’s not that
my social skill is awful or other people were raised in a more liberated
environment, but there’s always a dark line of annoyance that emerges when they
began to carp every inch of my being, as though I did something terrible in
life because I did not conform with the current norms.
I’ll have to decide whether to endure the humiliation of their criticism and
ridicule or it’s time to disappear. I want to avoid a situation where I would
raise my voice, trying to defend my way of life because it’s totally senseless.
I don’t owe anyone an explanation with the kind of principles I breathed.
That’s part of my individuality that needs to be respected.
always difficult to have a conversation with people who need more time to “grow
up”, both in learning and acquiring wisdom. Those who are following a vulgar
lifestyle would never understand the introverts. Having been used to the influence of shallow people
who cared nothing in this world but party and night life pleasure, they would never understand the
rules of correct decorum, dealing with new acquaintances.
correct decorum and understanding the rules of etiquette are not entirely
taught in school (unless you’re attending
a finishing school in Europe where children of aristocrats and royalty
usually go to study social manners), you learned it by yourself. And it often
shocked me to know that people are clueless about it.
learned how to observe proper social decorum when I made an extensive research
about the lives of European royals (that time I was writing the first few
chapters of the book “The Queen Consort” which I momentarily shelve). For
royalty and nobility, observing the rules of etiquette is necessary because
people are expecting them to behave as such. Though wayward prince and princess
are often heard in the social scene, misadventures of royals are always
considered “low”.
one golden rule in social decorum that most ignorant people often overlooked,
or have totally no knowledge about (except actor Ryan Agoncillo, I heard him
uttered this rule on TV). It’s always rude for a man to ask a woman about her
age. That’s totally discourtesy and lack propriety. The reason for this is that publicly, information like age, sex orientation, sexual preferences, civil status are considered sensitive and personal information that most people are not comfortable talking in public. It is considered blatant if you ask someone with something like that.
In the world of social manners. asking someone with information he or she is not comfortable sharing in public is considered an act of plain rudeness. It lacks graciousness. You can check some best explanation from THE SPRUCE. And whether a woman is comfortable sharing personal information in public like age, the etiquette rule remains: It is improper and rude to ask a lady about her age, this according to Dianne Isbell of Belleville News.
the end of the day, we can tell who among the people we met are courteous and
who are those who have bad manners. We can never gain from their company.
Nothing except tips on how to become tipsy. They are the people to be avoided.