The part II of the book series, The RedStar Tattoo Conspiracy is now available for purchase in Amazon. The Hunt for a Dark Child follows the dangerous trail traverses by a woman known only as Madeleine Sternwood, trying to evade the chase of the deadly assassin squad of the Golden Templars Society. 

After her harrowing escape from her captors, Madeleine recovers her memory and discovers that she was only hidden under Sternwood’s identity while confined in a mental asylum remote from the world. Her real name is Bea De Leal – Gladstone. She resides in Portland, Maine and only seven months into marriage. 

She also believes her husband is still alive and living somewhere. Two strangers help her slip from the Augusta hospital. She travels back to Portland. But the death squad tracks her while on the road with a friend. She misleads the assassins and seeks the help of a family friend, Lady Burke. 

Eventually, Bea realizes that the only way to uncover the motive of the organization is to find the person who imprinted the red star tattoo in her shoulder, the mark that alarms the society. Her pursuit to uncover her enemies pushes her more to the center of the society’s treacherous game. 

Paperback is now available. 
Check this link to place an order

Can she successfully unmask the real identity of her powerful enemies this time and resolve the mystery behind her red star tattoo? Find out in this book! Brace on for more thrill and excitement as we continue to follow the dangerous saga that Bea Gladstone traverses.

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