The Difference Between Espresso Machines and Coffee Makers. Which One is Better?

espresso machines versus coffee makers

I have been a tea drinker for the most part of my life, regularly indulging in Green Tea and Early Grey Tea, however, lately, I began to appreciate the goodness of coffee.

I love the aroma and the kick it gives in the morning when I have to plan what topics to write. As if some kind of energizer that fuels my energy to keep going. However, I detested instant coffee. 

We have a simple coffee maker at home from Hanabishi and it's pretty cool to use, so a drip coffee becomes my go-to beverage in the morning. although not on a regular basis. 

espresso machines versus coffee makers
our simple coffee maker at home

This coffee maker is pretty simple to use. Just pour a cup of water into the cartridge, then place two tablespoons of either Robusta or Arabica in the brew basket and start the drips,

I love how it brewed the coffee granules. Smooth and mild. The flavor is less complex compared to instant black coffee but still retains the earthy tone and the natural aroma of coffee.

However, there are times when I have to mix the drip coffee with condensed milk for a smoother taste. I love the Vietnamese coffee variety, ca phe sua, a mixture of a drip dark-roasted robusta and steamed condensed milk, it's the same as my previous favorite coffee at Starbucks - the limited edition dolce latte (composed of two shots of Starbucks Espresso Roast with dolce sauce, which I believed - an especially steamed condensed milk).

The downside of a coffee maker is that, it does not have the capacity to brew elegant-sound coffee varieties such as macchiatos, espresso shots, mochas, and lattes, these coffee varieties need to have an espresso machine to produce! 

espresso machines versus coffee makers
Espresso machine

So what is the difference between an espresso machine and a coffee maker? Here's a guide from Nespresso for better understanding.

Espresso is originally an Italian coffee drink. It is brewed by forcing out a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely-ground coffee beans. 

The result of this process is known as "espresso shots" which generate rich and creamy flavor. Espresso shots can be consumed as it is, but they can be used as the base for other types of coffee too such as mocha, cappuccino, latte, and macchiato. 

Espressos are thicker in consistency than drip coffee (from the coffee maker). and contain a higher level of caffeine. Espresso machines and coffee makers also differ in pressure and brewing.

While an espresso machine brews and pours within about 30 seconds, a coffee maker takes longer to brew, about five minutes to 10 minutes. This is because an espresso machine uses high pressure to force water through coffee while a coffee maker relies on the power of gravity to gradually pull water through the filters.

Read related topic: Coffee Health Benefits and Warnings

Caffeine Content

Coffee makers produce somewhere between 95mg and 165mg of caffeine per 225ml cup while Espresso machines produce between 375mg and 520 mg of caffeine per 225ml. 

So if you are someone who is wary of caffeine in your coffee, you may just use a coffee maker but if you are a coffee lover and want a richer and flavorful coffee variety, an espresso machine is an ideal thing for you.

So which one is the best to produce a good cup of coffee? Well, based on the pressure and brewing procedures, espresso machines offer a more authentic, richer, and creamier coffee compared to coffee makers. 

You have a wider option also to experiment with various types of coffee with espresso machines such as cappuccino, latte, and macchiato, while coffee makers can only make one option - black coffee. The only consolation you have with coffee makers is that they produce coffee with less caffeine. 

types of coffee

15 Popular Types of Coffee:

1. Espresso - It is made by forcing nearly boiling water through finely ground coffee beans, which results in a concentrated, syrup-like coffee drink. When compared to regular brewed coffee, espresso is richer and stronger than the other types of coffee drinks. 

2. Cortado - It is an espresso drink of equal parts - espresso and steamed milk. Cortado is a Spanish word that means “cut”, indicating that the espresso is cut with the milk. In contrast to other coffee drinks, a Cortado is always the same volume: one double shot of espresso and 2 ounces of milk. 

3. Latte/Iced Latte - An espresso with steamed milk and a dollop of milk foam on top. It contains less foam, making it smoother. 

4. Black Coffee - The most common type of coffee, be it drip, pour-over, French press, or anything else. Black coffee is usually served with no add-ins.

5. Mocha - Mochas are espresso-based drinks made with chocolate and whipped cream instead of foam, so you get the best of both worlds in every sip. 

6. Americano - It's just espresso with hot water dripping over it. The name came about during World War II when European baristas added water to their espresso drinks for the American soldiers stationed there. The resulting drink had a smoother, less concentrated flavor than espresso.

7. Cappuccino - A classic Italian type of coffee drink made of espresso, steamed milk, and thick foam in equal parts. The name comes from the resemblance to the hoods worn by Capuchin monks. 

8. Flat White -  A type of coffee drink that's made with espresso and steamed milk. When the espresso and milk are mixed to make this coffee variety, they create a delicious combination that's both smooth and creamy. And the bubbly nature of the milk also adds a nice touch of sweetness.

9. Cafe au Lait - A coffee beverage made with dark roast coffee and steamed milk. The milk is generally warmed up and frothed before it is added to the coffee. 

10. Macchiato - The word "macchiato" means spotted, so a macchiato espresso is an espresso with a splash of milk. Most coffee shops will top off this type of coffee drink with some foamed milk instead of just steamed milk for what's known as a traditional macchiato. 

11. Cold Brew - created by steeping coarsely ground coffee in cool or room temperature water for an extended period. By using cooler temperatures and longer brewing times, the final product is a type of coffee drink with a smooth concentrate that can be diluted with water or milk depending on your preference.

12. Frappe - a type of cold coffee beverage that has been blended or beaten until it forms a foamy texture. This type of coffee drink usually comes with whipped cream and tasty toppings and can be served cold or frozen. You have the choice of adding ice before or after you beat the coffee mixture, as well as customizing it with add-ins like sugar, milk, vanilla extract, and sweet sauces.

13. Vietnamese Coffee - A combination of sweetened condensed milk and two shots of espresso (using Vietnamese roasted beans).

14. Affogato - More of an ice cream sundae but rather than having ice cream or gelato with hot espresso poured over it, the hot espresso slightly melts the ice cream and the corresponding ice cream cools down the beverage.

15. Red Eye - An intense type of black coffee for those who want a stronger coffee taste. It consists of a regular brewed coffee with a shot of espresso added to it. This coffee has a strong and bold flavor.

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